Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Departure in 7 days

So I'm sitting here in my dining room in Seattle trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm going to be living in Barcelona for four months. Not to mention the fact that I'm going to be traveling around the entirety (one can hope) of Europe afterwards. GAH (words fail me).
I've always been big on traveling; I've been to just about everywhere in Asia and have flown about....over a hundred times to different places outside of the US. Thank god for parents who believe that education can also occur outside of classroom walls!
So yeah, I've done lots of traveling but the idea of being in Europe (which I've only been to once) in Barcelona (the hubbub of all things rich in culture and spirit) is exhilarating. I can't wait to try all the tapas, learn how to make sangria, maybe go see a flamenco performance and of course we can't forget FUTBOOOOOL!! Man, I'm sure the entire atmosphere at a soccer game is drastically different from that of a Seattle Sounders game, let me tell you that much!

And the architecture! The beautiful structures of Gaudi and Montecher! (Maybe at this point I'll cut myself off from sounding like a complete nerd. Main point of this paragraph: I am excited).
Anyway, I basically only have another week here before I leave for six months. My original plan is to go travel on the weekends (Interlaken, the French Riviera, Euskadi (hopefully~ I know my mom would be very excited about that one), Greece, Paris, Florence, hopefully Ireland, etc). It sounds ambitious (not to mention extremely costly), but I have some trips figured out where I will be able to go for no charge since I have an internship with a travel company.
But as for now, I have to go order some euros from the bank. Whoever says running errands isn't fun?