Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FC Barcelona Beat Real Madrid!!

This was utterly ridiculous. There were hundreds of people in the street on Las Ramblas, a famous boardwalk area in downtown Barcelona. People were climbing the trees, the street lamps, screaming, yelling, chanting and singing the Barcelona fight song ("Barca! Barca! Barca!") and throwing these mortor things into the crowd that would explode (actually quite scary) and people were lighting flares. The majority of the people were drunk and pickpockets were roaming the streets like no other, but it was an amazing experience! I couldn't leave! Never before have I seen such celebration after a sporting event, and the majority of the people out there were college-age students. It was both terrifying (because of the explosions...one of them exploded right where my boyfriend and I were standing and I couldn't hear out of my right ear for a few hours. It was so much fun though and it was such a fantastic experience to be there in the thick of it!

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