Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Interlaken Switzerland!

To sum up Switzerland, it was beautiful, snowy and didn’t have as many blondes as I expected although we were located in a small city most commonly known for extreme sports. We arrived early Friday morning and checked out the town during the day, and went night sledding at night. It was fantastic, though we did have to rent some snow gear so we didn’t freeze our tushes off. We took a train ride up the mountain and the actual sledding part was about 45 minutes downhill! The sleds were these plastic hard things which was a pain (literally—I am so bruised) and they were a bit hard to steer, but it was fantastic. There were a couple different ways to go down the hill, we went on the easy one first, then there was a steeper one which was fantastic....and of course the fact that we were located in the freaking SWISS ALPS was mind-blowing.
The highlight of the weekend, though, was this trip that we took up to Murren. We went with a few of the Euroadventure guides and some friends and went up into this town that has no cars and is right up in the Alps. The view was ineffable, there were mountains surrounding us from all sides, a quaint village with people who just skied through as their form of faster transportation and we saw paraglider after paraglider fall from the sky. It was amazingly beautiful.
Later on that day we hung out in the hostel and around town with other students, all of us still trying to grasp bits and pieces of the language, though none of us spoke German and the street names were so long that it would have put that one song in Mary Poppins to shame.
All in all, it was a very fun trip, totally worth the 12 hour bus ride it took to get there and then get back. And at least I can say that I’ve been to France; we stopped twice in France to load up on sustenance and use the restrooms, so I’ve eaten French food…kind of. Oh and I realized that Kit Kat bars in Europe are infinitely better than the ones in the states. No joke.

This is a picture of the money, isn't it beautiful?
Anyway, I’m planning on going to Rome this coming weekend, so more to come!

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