Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today in my Sports and Society class we talked about this cultural sport that is very specific to Catalonia (the region where Barcelona is located) called castells. Its also known as the human tower building sport and we had four castellers come to class today and show us how to do it. I have to say, it was a lot more complicated than I thought. Of course a huge part of it has to do with having a natural balance, but it also has to do with lots of teamwork, not unlike many other sports, and trust in one another. These towers can be up to ten stories (and by stories we mean people) high. At the top of these towers they have 5 or 6-year old children! It is a rather dangerous sport since there is the inevitability of falling. The surprising fact they told us is that most common injury, even during these falls, is a sprained ankle at most. And usually the children are alright since they are on top so nobody falls onto them.....though I doubt I would ever allow my child to participate in it. Nonetheless, it was really interesting to watch clips of it, though it does keep the blood pumping and the heart racing! More later!

Check out this one video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IZ7CaGNI6w

Oh and did I mention that some of these towers have as many as 800 participants??

Feel free to post comments too in the comment box below! I'd love to hear feedback!

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