Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Love Letter...and things

To Everyone:

I realize that this is very corny to do, but I was reflecting on the fact that today is Valentines Day and I wanted to reiterate how much all of my family means to me, extended members included.

To my immediate family, I am so thankful for everything that you have done for me. I would never have been able to even entertain the idea of studying abroad if it wasn't for you all. Thank you also for supporting me in all that I do, I believe that I have turned out to be a decnt human being and that is 99.9% because of you (I have to take a bit of credit). Love you and I hope you're having an amazing time at the cabin. I miss you something fierce.

To my extended family, thank you also for making this study abroad experience possible and for being a part of my life. I know I don't get to see you all as often as I would hope to, but for the times that we are all together, they are precious and cherished. I am proud to call each and every one of you my relatives.

Now that all that sentimentality is over with, some updates:

-Unfortunatey I was unable to go to Rome this weekend because they are experiencing the heaviest snowfall in a quarter of a century, apparently. I think I read something about how the Pope himself was enjoying the new snowfall, hehe. As unfortunate as it is, I am currently sick so this was a good weekend to relax and catch up on some sleep.

-This coming Tuesday and Wednesday are conference days. This means that we don't have normal classes, but are expected to attend the specific conferences that our professors tell us to. Tuesday night also happens to be Carnival night at Sitges (this town on the coast about 30 mins from Barcelona). This carnival is apparently comparable to Mardi Gras, albeit minus the nudity (one would hope) and you get all dressed up in crazy costumes. So a few friends and I are going on this bus that is taking a bunch of students there for Tuesday night and we're planning on coming back early Wednesday morning so we can still make the short meetings we have on Wednesday (*Don't worry mom and dad). Anyway, I'm very excited.

....I can't really think of any more updates at the moment, but I'm sure I'll think of more things. As for now, I'm going to do a bit of homewok. More later!

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