Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Game was Insane!

Did you know that the Estadio Nou (where FC Barcelona plays) holds up to 100,000 people? This was the biggest stadium I have ever seen or been to. And the crowds were so intense and serious about the game. During playtime, literally no one is walking around in the halls or in the restroom. There are constant chants and screams from the crowd, literally everyone stands up and screams at the top of their lungs when Barcelona scores (which was four times during the game. We won 4-0!!)

Our entire section was filled with fanatic fans and some rather overwhelmed-looking IES students who don't know the chants enough to fit in. It was raining the entire night, but everyone was still passionate and it didn't faze them at all. The crowds afterwards were thrilled and I swear getting on the metro was like trying to squeeze onto the subways in Japan during rush hour. YAY BARCELONA!

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