Sunday, January 17, 2010

La Catedral de Barcelona!

This cathedral really reminded me of all the places that I visited when I was in Sevilla and Barcelona during a trip through my high school for a few weeks of my senior year. It was constructed in 1293 and it was truly breathtaking. Its when I visit monuments such as this that I really wish that I was an architect. I mean, taking art history does give me leighway to do a bit of independent study on old-style architecture, but looking at the turrets and the beautifully geometric ceilings and the tall arches is so cool.
Upon entering the cathedral, you see this open courtyard in the middle and there are these gigantic geese just walking around by this beautiful fountain and this really tall, quite oxidized bronze statue of a queen (at least it looked like female royalty. If it was a man, he looked very feminine).

There were a bunch of beautiful red candles lit for prayer and on each side there were little prayer/holy structures to different figures prominent in the religion. There was another section of the cathedral and it was really amazing. I think anyone would say that it is amazing what people can create.

Anyway, it was a great way to spend a rainy day and a post-crazy soccer game from the night before. More later!

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