Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Updates and Highlights

So I've been bad about posting blogs on here recently, so I'll do a quick recap of the past couple weeks:
--The classes are alright, though a part of me is worried that I won't really learn anything of substance throughout this semester (aside from Spanish, obviously)
--The majority of the professors I have are not native Spaniards. My art history professor is a British man who walks a bit like a velociraptor (with the butt sticking out and his torso permanently leaning forward), my sport and society professor is another British man who seems pretty chill actually and my psychology professor is a Swedish woman who....isn't the most articulate of people but I am constantly impressed by her good sense of fashion.
--I just booked my flight to Rome for my spring break in Rome, Greece and Corfu!
--There are creepy men in Spain. We like going to clubs and bars, but some of these guys are really aggressive!
--I met someone who has a legitimate foot fetish, and it was creepy. This guy kept on bending down and pretending to tie his shoe when my friends and I were out dancing. When one of our guy friends asked him what the hell he was doing, he simply replied "I like feet". CREEPER.
--Gaudi is amazing (already a known fact, but my love for the man has definitely magnified). We visited one of his houses, Casa Batllo and its gorgeous. The tiling, the bubbled windows, the wood-paneled doors, everything is perfected to a tee. Even the bronzed handles on the doors are sculpted to perfectly fit the hand.
--I love all my floormates! In the beginning, it felt like the most random group of people thrown together to live in this dormitory together, but we've definitely gotten close over the past several weeks and we are really like a family. We have the most diverse group of personalities and yea some clash more than others, but we just work. We've gotten a good dynamic, I think.
--Life here is very expensive (also already a known fact, but i'm reiterating it).
--There are some crazy cool hangout spots here. There's a bar called Dow Jones here where it acts like a stock market. When the 'market' crashes, there are drinks sold for one euro each. There's also a bar called Chupitos which is a shot bar, except these shots are tricked out (some of them are shots covered with cream, drizzled with sauce, and lit on fire!). Another bar is called OBAMA (before Barack, surprisingly - its only called that because they wanted a name that sounded exotic...haha) and apparently theres a house band that plays covers of Beatles songs.
--I met some Spanish students! Well, one of them was a Spanish guy at a club who I guess might not completely count, but a friend and I took this hip hop dance class at my dorm and we met some nice Spanish girls who also live in our dorm. The actual class, though, was hilarious. I was half laughing, half dying the entire time because my friend and I had to learn 2 weeks worth of choreography within the period of 30 minutes. And of course we looked ridiculous but I was just impressed with myself that I was able to actually learn it within that amount of time!
--I've been utilizing my Japanese more than I have in a while! I ran into a few Japanese tourists at Parc Guell earlier this semester and asked them, in Japanese, to take a picture of a friend and I in front of a lucky lizard sculpture. And I've seen other tourists and listened to their conversations. And even on the plane ride over to Barcelona, I wrote in Japanese a congratulatory message to these two guys' cousin who was getting married in Israel and they were trying to collect as many different languages to say 'congratulations' as they possibly could.
--People are all in their own world here. Like actually, its ridiculous how I'll be walking down the street with a couple other IES students and these other pedestrians would literally almost walk into me so I'd always have to get out of their way. At one point I just saw what it would be like if I didn't move. Of course they basically ran over me. *sigh*.
--The MNAC is the most AGGRAVATING museum to get into, but it is seriously the most beautiful museum I have ever seen. Its in a palace!!

And.....I'm going to bed because I have to leave for a study trip to Tarragona tomorrow. Its from Thursday until Saturday, so we'll have Saturday night to have some fun. More later!

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