Friday, January 15, 2010

Picasso Tour and Food Tour

So I signed up for a couple tours this week, one being the Picasso tour and the other being a food tour. I was really excited for both, though it involved a fair amount of walking in not-so-nice weather.
The Picasso tour was amazing, though it left me feeling like a pretty unaccomplished human being. Imagine if we were all Picassos--the world would be filled with so many purely artistic twelve year-olds that the norm would be the ability to paint frescos in any form and style. He drew with pastels some of the most beautiful landscapes I have seen in a while in person and he was only twelve or thirteen! With pastels! I'm not sure whether any of you have tried to do that, but it is incredibly hard to draw well with pastels.
So we walked around the neighborhood where he used to live and we went by the cafes and pubs he used to hang out in with his other artsy friends. We learned that one of his paintings, The Ladies of Avignon, wasn't actually of the ladies of Avignon, France but of the ladies of Avignon, Spain. Apparently Calle Avignon, a street in Barcelona, was known for having many brothels which Picasso and his friends would frequent.
Anyways, we ended up going to a museum after this tour and its in the Gothic Quarter, which is this gorgeous old neighborhood in the center of Barcelona.

For the food tour, we learned a lot about certain restaurants and how some have really good churros and xocolate (basically like hot chocolate, but its infinitely thicker and you dip the churros into it). They bought us some fresh fruit at the Boqueria and a couple tapas and a drink at this other restaurant we went to. Up above is an example of the weird food that they sell....I think its a type of manta ray, but it has some evil-looking teeth. Either way, I wouldn't eat it.
Tomorrow I'm going on a bike tour where we bike around the different neighborhoods and stop by the waterfront to get some lunch and sangria. Altogether it should take about four hours. After that, we have the SOCCER GAME! FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla. It should be amazing! The game starts at 10pm. More later.

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