Sunday, January 10, 2010

Parc Guell!

Ahhhh what a BEAUTIFUL....park? I don't really know how else to describe it. For those who do not know what Parc Guell is, it is a park that was constructed by Antoni Gaudi, one of the most famous architects of all time (well, I consider him as such anyway). He was commissioned by Eusebi Guell to create a park that was both intricate, yet mimicking nature. I only know this because I wrote a research paper on him this past semester, but it was amazing and even though it isn't exactly 'nature', its beautiful. And it was actually a really nice day. Its been pretty cold here so far and its been gray and overcast the past few days, but today it was sunny (albeit still a bit cold). We were only able to be there for about an hour and a half because we didn't get there until around 4:30 (because we're still trying to figure out the bus system) and the park closed at 6, but we were able to meet with a girl and her friend who I met on the airplane on my flight over and it was pretty fun being able to hang out in a big group.

We went back to Placa Catalunya afterwards and got a bit of food in Las Ramblas and some people had paella. So GOOD. All in all it was a really fun day. I'll put up some pictures, but here's a video that I took.

1 comment:

  1. It is SO cool to see you in Barcelona and experiencing a whole new world! Shae and I had a great time there and it was much more laid back than Madrid. The pictures and blogs are great! Have tons of fun and make the most of your time there!
